EU-OPENSCREEN offers 23 fully funded research projects in the areas of chemoproteomics, small molecule screening and medicinal chemistry. Eligible proposals will be evaluated by external reviewers, and successful applicants will be selected in an open and transparent process.Transnational access comprises a total of 6 chemoproteomics, 12 small molecule screening and 5 medicinal chemistry projects. The European Commission only allows transnational access, meaning that users are not eligible to get access to a facility that is located in their home country.
EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE will launch 3 separate calls over a period of 4 years namely chemoproteomics, small-molecule screening and medicinal chemistry calls. Transnational access calls will be announced and published on EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE website and other EU-OPENSCREEN outreach channels (@euopenscreen on Facebook, LinkedIn, EU-OPENSCREEN - Chemical Keys to Life's Locks - Linkedin group, @eu_openscreen on Instagram, and @EuOpenscreen on Twitter). The opening and closing date and time as well as the topics and services offered by each call will be published online in this page.
Applicants will be able to submit their proposal through an online application platform, ARIA, on this website for a period of 3-4 months. Applicants will be notified about acceptance/rejection of their proposal 12-14 weeks after the closure of proposal submission process. EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE recommends users to contact EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE team by email at to discuss the feasibility of their project prior to the submission of the proposal (indicating “EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE Name of the Call” within the subject)
The ARIA application platform for EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE transnational access calls is handled by Instruct-ERIC. Although potential EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE users are requested to register with the ARIA system, the application, review and reporting process will be handled by EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC.
Open access (gold or green) is required for any publication of access results. EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE funding must be clearly acknowledged by: “This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823893.”
Data will be deposited with a flexible privacy model for rapid and safe dissemination and exploitation. Users stay owner of their data. The optional hold period will be 36 months for data publication. There will be high standards of security and traceability of IP (citable indexing of data points (EUOS, DOI or URL) and links to originator labs for primary raw unprocessed data. Data are disseminated according to the FAIR data principles (i.e., Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable), allowing communities across academia, SMEs and industry to benefit from EU-OPENSCREEN’s activities. Please read more about our EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC database here.
Please see detailled information about our expired calls on the right